The version I am using is : SmartClient Version: v10.1p_2016-08-05/PowerEdition Deployment (built 2016-08-05)
I was trying to export the screen mixed with charts and listgrids to PDF file and it was successful.
However the layouts were broken like the following.

I used the following codes to do this.
DSRequest requestProperties = new DSRequest();
requestProperties.setExportFilename( "Download" );
requestProperties.setExportDisplay( ExportDisplay.DOWNLOAD );
requestProperties.setContentType( "application/pdf" );
requestProperties.setDownloadResult( true );
requestProperties.setExportCSS( "@page {size: A3 landscape; max-height:100%; max-width:100%;}" );
RPCManager.exportContent( detailSubPaneContainerSub, requestProperties );
What I want is to save the layout to PDF as it is shown in the screen something like screen capture.
If this cannot be done by exporting to PDF, is there another option like exporting to image(jpg, gif ...)?
I was trying to export the screen mixed with charts and listgrids to PDF file and it was successful.
However the layouts were broken like the following.
I used the following codes to do this.
DSRequest requestProperties = new DSRequest();
requestProperties.setExportFilename( "Download" );
requestProperties.setExportDisplay( ExportDisplay.DOWNLOAD );
requestProperties.setContentType( "application/pdf" );
requestProperties.setDownloadResult( true );
requestProperties.setExportCSS( "@page {size: A3 landscape; max-height:100%; max-width:100%;}" );
RPCManager.exportContent( detailSubPaneContainerSub, requestProperties );
What I want is to save the layout to PDF as it is shown in the screen something like screen capture.
If this cannot be done by exporting to PDF, is there another option like exporting to image(jpg, gif ...)?