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    MultiComboBoxItem values are not sorted while upgrading GWT 2.4 to 2.8.2 along with smart-gwt 2.4 to 6.1p


    1. In my GWT maven project, I am upgrading from GWT 2.4 to 2.8.2 along with smart-gwt 2.4 to 6.1p. However my developer console shows below version of smartgwt. Why is so? Is it normal?
    v11.1p_2021-09-03/LGPL Development Only

    2. There is an issue observed while I upgrade GWT versions as listed in Point 1. The multilist dropdown is jumbling up the list values. From server side, the list is alphabetical. However In the MultiComboBoxItem, its all jumbled up. What may be the reason for it? I see below warning in console when the MultiComboBoxItem pops up.
    *09:21:35.408:TMR2:WARN:MultiComboBoxItem:isc_MultiComboBoxItem_1[AttributeName]:fetchMissingValueReply returned unexpected data: {newValue: Array[1], filterLocally: undef, targetField: "pl", fetchingMissingValues: Obj}

    *09:21:35.417:TMR9:WARN:DynamicForm:isc_DynamicForm_0:focusInItem: item cannot accept focus: [MultiComboBoxItem ID:isc_MultiComboBoxItem_1 name:

    3. In same GWT project, I see these warnings in console. should I worry?
    *09:20:07.849:WARN:Log:Cannot change configuration property 'autoFetchData' to true now that component isc_ListGrid_0 has been created.
    Ic — Script Element 11:962

    4. In same GWT project I see this warning. Should I worry?
    *09:20:08.218:WARN:drawing:isc_ListGrid_0:draw() called on widget with current drawn state: complete, use redraw() instead.
    ListGrid.draw(_1=>undef, _2=>undef, _3=>undef, _4=>undef)
    fi(b=>ListGrid{modalEditing: true, width: 774, height: 251, headerHeight: 30, AUTOIDClass: "ListGrid", ID: "isc_ListGrid_0", members: Array[2], position: "relative", className: "listGrid", vertical: true, children: Array[3], data: Array[0], selection: [Selection ID:isc_ListGrid_0_selection], selectionManager: [Selection ID:isc_ListGrid_0_selection], selectionType: "multiple", wrapHeaderTitles: false, wrapHeaderSpanTitles: false, currentGroupState: "", fields: Array[20], originalFields: Array[0], completeFields: Array[36], frozenFields: Array[1], resizeFieldsInRealTime: false, normalFields: Array[19], canFreezeFields: true, frozenBody: [GridBody ID:isc_ListGrid_0$51d], bodyLayout: [HLayout ID:isc_ListGrid_0_bodyLayout], body: [GridBody ID:isc_ListGrid_0_body], tabIndex: 1064, bodies: Array[2], dragScrollTarget: [GridBody ID:isc_ListGrid_0_body], defaultFieldState: "[{name:"itemNumber",frozen:true},{name:"..."[1005], editByCell: true, minHeight: 76, header: [Toolbar ID:isc_Toolbar_0], sorter: [Button ID:isc_ListGrid_0_sorter], headers: Array[2], frozenHeader: [Toolbar ID:isc_ListGrid_0$51f], headerLayout: [HLayout ID:isc_ListGrid_0_headerLayout], ruleScope: "isc_ListGrid_0", cacheOffsetCoords: false, zIndex: 200072, innerWidth: 756, isSVG: false, memberSizes: Array[2], redrawOnResize: true, htmlElement: [DIVElement]{ID:isc_ListGrid_0_wrapper}, drawContext: Obj, hilites: Array[16], })
    Tp(a=>g(), b=>[object Window], c=>[object Arguments])
    Wp(b=>g(), c=>[object Window], d=>[object Arguments])
    h0(b=>undef, c=>"PROEJCTNAME..."[47], d=>"SERVERURL."[83], e=>0, k())
    Selected Element
    <div style="overflow: hidden; width: 741px; height: 890px;">…</div>

    Other observations:
    I have tested various versions while upgrade and I see this sorting was working fine till GWT 2.6.1 with smart-gwt 5.0p. From 5.1p onwards, same error is thrown.

    Appreciate your help.

    Anybody here who can help?


      Can anyone help me?

      2. There is an issue observed while I upgrade GWT versions as listed in Point 1. The multilist dropdown is jumbling up the list values. From server side, the list is alphabetical. However In the MultiComboBoxItem, its all jumbled up. What may be the reason for it? I see below warning in console when the MultiComboBoxItem pops up.


      *09:21:35.408:TMR2:WARN:MultiComboBoxItem:isc_MultiComboBoxItem_1[AttributeName]:fetchMissingValueReply returned unexpected data: {newValue: Array[1], filterLocally: undef, targetField: "pl", fetchingMissingValues: Obj}

      Code snippet:-

      public MyDialogMultiList() {

      final int WIDTH = 525;

      final int HEIGHT = 300;

      final MultiComboBoxLayoutStyle initialLayoutStyle = MultiComboBoxLayoutStyle.VERTICAL;

      consoleLog("logging using consoleLog .....inside MyDialogMultiList"+ ListValuesArrayList); // Here the list is alphabetically sorted

      DataSourceTextField plField = new DataSourceTextField("pl");


      DataSource plDS = new DataSource();



      for (PLRecord record : PLData.populatelist(ListValuesArrayList)) {



      mcbPL = new MultiComboBoxItem("AttributeName");

      mcbPL.setOptionDataSource(plDS); // This is working till GWT 2.6.1 & smart-gwt 5.0p only. Beyond this version the sort issue is there.

      // mcbPL.setValueMap(ListValuesArrayList.toArray(new String[ListValuesArrayList.size()])); // I tried this as well, I got the list sorted, but got extra button glitch.




      //mcbPL.setAlwaysFetchMissingValues(true); // I tried this as well , but it doesnt help.



        1. this is the expected version number for the underlying SmartClient version for SmartGWT 6.1. In more recent versions, they are the same.

        You should not be upgrading to 6.1, since that version is several versions behind the latest - it's 4 years old.

        2. this looks like you may be responding incorrectly to fetchMissingValues requests - see docs for this feature. As far as the sorting, there are no known regressions in this area, so it likely results from longstanding incorrect usage. However, if you think there's a framework bug here, first upgrade to a more recent version, then submit a test case.

        3. log message is correct, please correct your code

        4. log message is correct, please correct your code.


          1. If not 6.1, I should upgrade to 13.1?

          2. How do I understand more on fetchMissingValues requests. Could you share some docs.

          3. How I can fix the code for #3 and #4 in the first post. Could someone help?


            You should update to either 12.1 (released) or 13.0 (next release, very close and supported if you have support).

            FormItem.fetchMissingValues is indeed documented - see JavaDoc.

            The log messages are telling you what’s wrong: APIs called at invalid times. If this isn’t enough, yes definitely more help is available: we offer both support and consulting services - see links above.


              Sure, I tried with 12.1p and the same issue was existing. And in console there were more errors.

              with 6.1p and 12.1p both, the Sort is working now. I commented this line and it worked.
              There are console warnings which I am planning to ignore.


