Hi there
Reproduced in newest version: SmartClient Version: v11.0p_2017-03-29/EVAL Development Only
Browser: any, I tested it on Chrome 49.0.26***
Steps can be reproduced on slightly modified example from Grids demo included in downloadable distro.
Modified version of Grids->Data binding->Local data example from demo. Below example shows how getFilterEditorCriteria misbehaves on wide ListGrids with horizontal scrollbar. Intentionally I added wide columns to be able to demonstrate this behaviour. I add member_g8 column as first column. I check filter editor for this column so that only members of g8 are visible in grid. Then if G8 column is in view (that is not scrolled out of view) and I call
countryList.getFilterEditorCriteria(true) i get proper criteria with g8 set to true.
However when I scroll (horizontally) so that G8 editorFilter column is out of view countryList.getFilterEditorCriteria(true) will not return any criteria. So result of this call is scroll dependant while it should not be.
To reproduce jest modify slightly you demo.
localDatar.js renders grid that has columns wide enough for this bug to be observable. In production application we also have wide grid with scrollbar but in our case we just have many columns. Here for the purpose of example I made only 3 columns wide enough to simulate this.
Code to reproduce:
I recorded movie showing how to reproduce this:
My 3 cents:
When I look at getFilterEditorCriteria parameter I think your intention was to return criteria set for fields that user intentionally hid from view (not visible) but as for this moment result of this call is dependent on whether column is obstructed from view by another widget. If that was your intention fine but what would be purpose of such API
Reproduced in newest version: SmartClient Version: v11.0p_2017-03-29/EVAL Development Only
Browser: any, I tested it on Chrome 49.0.26***
Steps can be reproduced on slightly modified example from Grids demo included in downloadable distro.
Modified version of Grids->Data binding->Local data example from demo. Below example shows how getFilterEditorCriteria misbehaves on wide ListGrids with horizontal scrollbar. Intentionally I added wide columns to be able to demonstrate this behaviour. I add member_g8 column as first column. I check filter editor for this column so that only members of g8 are visible in grid. Then if G8 column is in view (that is not scrolled out of view) and I call
countryList.getFilterEditorCriteria(true) i get proper criteria with g8 set to true.
However when I scroll (horizontally) so that G8 editorFilter column is out of view countryList.getFilterEditorCriteria(true) will not return any criteria. So result of this call is scroll dependant while it should not be.
To reproduce jest modify slightly you demo.
localDatar.js renders grid that has columns wide enough for this bug to be observable. In production application we also have wide grid with scrollbar but in our case we just have many columns. Here for the purpose of example I made only 3 columns wide enough to simulate this.
Code to reproduce:
customCountryData = [ { continent:"North America", countryName:"United States", countryCode:"US", area:9631420, population:298444215, gdp:12360.0, independence:new Date(1776,6,4), government:"federal republic", government_desc:2, capital:"Washington, DC", member_g8:true, article:"http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_states" }, { continent:"Asia", countryName:"China", countryCode:"CH", area:9596960, population:1313973713, gdp:8859.0, government:"Communist state", government_desc:0, capital:"Beijing", member_g8:false, article:"http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/China" } ] isc.DataSource.create({ ID: "customCountryDS", fields:[ {name:'member_g8', type:'boolean'}, {name:"countryCode", title:"Code"}, {name:"countryName", title:"Country"}, {name:"independence", title:"Independence", type:"date"}, {name:"population", title:"Population", type:"integer"}, {name:"gdp", title:"GDP ($B)", type:"float"} ], clientOnly: true, testData: customCountryData }); isc.ListGrid.create({ ID: "countryList", dataSource:customCountryDS, autoFetchData:true, width:500,height:400,showFilterEditor:true, fields:[ {name:"member_g8", title:"g8",width:100, type:'boolean'}, {name:"countryCode", title:"Code",width:500}, {name:"countryName", title:"Country",width:500}, {name:"population", title:"Population",width:500} ] }); [B][/B]
I recorded movie showing how to reproduce this:
My 3 cents:
When I look at getFilterEditorCriteria parameter I think your intention was to return criteria set for fields that user intentionally hid from view (not visible) but as for this moment result of this call is dependent on whether column is obstructed from view by another widget. If that was your intention fine but what would be purpose of such API