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    can't change startYear and endYear DateChooser defaults

    SmartClient Version: v8.3d_2012-11-13/PowerEdition Development Only (built 2012-11-13)

    Chrome 23.0.1271.64 on Mac OSX
    Safari 6.0.2 (8536.26.17)

    adding this code in the sample #dateRangeFilter
        startYear: 2007,
    	endYear: 2027,
    correctly changes the first day of week in the date chooser, but startYear is 1995 and endYear is 2015

    If you're trying to change the DateChooser automatically launched by a DateItem, you'll need to change the defaults for DateItem startDate/endDate.


      thank you very much

      this works:
          startDate:isc.Date.createLogicalDate(new Date().getFullYear() - 5, 1, 1),
          endDate:isc.Date.createLogicalDate(new Date().getFullYear() + 14, 12, 31)
          startDate:isc.Date.createLogicalDate(new Date().getFullYear() - 5, 1, 1),
          endDate:isc.Date.createLogicalDate(new Date().getFullYear() + 14, 12, 31)


        Originally posted by claudiobosticco View Post
        thank you very much

        this works:
        startDate:isc.Date.createLogicalDate(new Date().getFullYear() - 5, 1, 1),
        endDate:isc.Date.createLogicalDate(new Date().getFullYear() + 14, 12, 31)
        startDate:isc.Date.createLogicalDate(new Date().getFullYear() - 5, 1, 1),
        endDate:isc.Date.createLogicalDate(new Date().getFullYear() + 14, 12, 31)
        Hello, this is giving me a validation error with the latest 13.1, please try this test case:

            startDate: isc.Date.createLogicalDate(new Date().getFullYear() - 5, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0),
            endDate: isc.Date.createLogicalDate(new Date().getFullYear() + 14, 12, 31, 0, 0, 0)
            ID: "dateForm",
            numCols: 4,
            width: 650,
            fields: [
                {name:"directInputDate", title:"Direct Input Date", type:"date", useTextField:true, wrapTitle:false, defaultValue:new Date(2000, 0, 1)}
            title: "Validate",
            click: "dateForm.validate()"
        the validation fails if the date is outside the range DateItem.startDate-endDate


          Note that the error is raised also if you add startDate/endDate to a single dateItem.


            hi Claudio,

            The dateRange-validator is generated automatically here, if you don't add one - if you don't want the startDate/endDate range to be enforced in this way, you can set item.generateValidator to false.


              Hi, thanks for the clarification, so it's a new feature, cool.

              I was actually interested in customizing the dateChooserYearMenu, and now I have two questions:
              1. is it correct to set DateItem.start/endDate and generateValidator:false to customize the range of years visible in the dateChooserYearMenu without create a validator? I also saw the startYear/startYearRange attributes but I didn't understand if I can change them (not globally).
              2. Why do the dateChooserNavButtons not allow navigation beyond the displayed range, when there is no validator set?
              Last edited by claudiobosticco; 11 Jun 2024, 05:46.


                1) The startYear / startYearRange attributes on DateChooser are for direct use of the DateChooser outside of DateItem. When the DateChooser is generated by a DateItem, the DateItem sets these automatically based on dateItem.startDate/endDate.

                2) If startDate/endDate do not limit the navigation of the DateChooser, what are you hoping for them to do?

                If you are hoping that the dropdown has a limited range of years but it is still secretly possible to enter other years via the DateChooser, that's definitely not something we'd want to do.


                  Originally posted by Isomorphic View Post
                  2) If startDate/endDate do not limit the navigation of the DateChooser, what are you hoping for them to do?

                  If you are hoping that the dropdown has a limited range of years but it is still secretly possible to enter other years via the DateChooser, that's definitely not something we'd want to do.
                  I must specify that I'm thinking of the "useTextField" use case, without any startDate/endDate defined in my code. In this case, I can enter a random date, but if I open the DateChooser I'm limited to the range of the dateChooserYearMenu, even if I use the dateChooserNavButtons.
                  Also if I enter a random date in the year 1900, and open the DateChooser, I see this:

                  Click image for larger version

Name:	2024-06-11 20.37.55.jpg
Views:	60
Size:	36.2 KB
ID:	272553

                  where the years are enabled, because there are only the "valid" years, and the dateChooserNavMonth/Year buttons are disabled. Then the dateChooserMonthMenu is disabled, but the days are enabled, even the "otherDays", so you can effectively use those to change month and eventually also year.

                  I may be wrong (as i'm a user that normally types dates*), but I have the feeling that it is a logic that may not be appreciated by less technical users.

                  (*) especially because useTextField in combination with the mask is really a very good UX in my opinion


                    Hello, I just noticed that when using the DateChooser from another context, ie the filterEditor of a grid, it doesn't have this limitation:

                    Click image for larger version

Name:	2024-07-25 15.48.11.jpg
Views:	53
Size:	32.1 KB
ID:	273051

                    even if you choose 1994, the "first_page" icon remains enabled, and if you select a year and re-open the dateChooser yearMenu, you'll see a different range of years based on the last selected year:

                    Click image for larger version

Name:	2024-07-25 15.52.54.jpg
Views:	28
Size:	30.7 KB
ID:	273052

                    I can't help myself but I just think that this is a better UE for the DateChooser in all cases.

