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    Computing URL for link type ListGridField

    We have a list grid where I have three columns for three different link to send user to three different pages. I was using icon field and was handling onclicks events to send user to different pages. The requirement came to show that as link so that user can open the link in new tab if need be. I am trying to use "link" type. I see the linkText property to show same icon for all rows but I think there is no way it allows me to compute a link value based on other properties of the grid.

    I can always implement this field as type "any" and then construct the html in formatCellValue but I still thought to check to see I am missing anything about "link" type attributes to handle this use case.

       name:"view", width:30, type:"any", title:" ", align:"center", canExport:false, showHover:true, canHover:true, canDragResize: false, showDefaultContextMenu:false,canFilter:false, canSort:false, canHide:false, 
       hoverHTML:function() {      
           return "View";
       formatCellValue: function (value, record) {      
          var linkIconHtml = isc.Canvas.imgHTML("[SKIN]/actions/view.png",16,16)      
         return isc.Canvas.linkHTML(<url>, linkIconHtml, "_self")    

    Hi asingla,

    I'm using a recordClickHandler for this in SmartGWT
            addRecordClickHandler(new RecordClickHandler() {
                public void onRecordClick(RecordClickEvent event) {
          "" + URL.encodeQueryString(buildQueryString(event.getRecord()))),
                            "_blank", "");
    You'll need some replacement for, but a recordClickHandler should solve your task as well.

    Best regards


      It is not going to work. What if user right clicks and then selects "open in new tab". javascript code won't execute at that point and will not work.
      Last edited by asingla; 8 Feb 2019, 10:51.


        Hi asingla,

        it's not a "real" <a href> link, but a javascript call you get on cell click. So yes, right click would not be possible, but a new window with _blank will automatically open in a new tab.

        Best regards

