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    hovers on formItems bug

    SmartClient Version: SNAPSHOT_v13.1d_2024-09-05/AllModules Development Only (built 2024-09-05)

    Firefox and Chrome on MacOS and Windows 11 Pro, plus Safari on MacOS

    Hello, please try this test case in the showcase:

        ID: "form1",
        width: 620,
        colWidths: [190, "*"],
        fields: [
            {name: "text", title:"Text", type:"text", hint: "A plain text field", wrapHintText: false},
            {name: "colorPicker", title:"Color Picker", type:"color"},
            {name: "stackedSpinner", title: "Stacked Spinner", editorType: "SpinnerItem", writeStackedIcons: true,
             defaultValue: 5, min: 0, max: 10, step: 0.5, wrapTitle: false},
            {name: "unstackedSpinner", title: "Unstacked Spinner", editorType: "SpinnerItem", writeStackedIcons: false,
             defaultValue: 5, min: 0, max: 10, step: 0.5}
        ID: "form2",
        width: 620,
        colWidths: [190, "*"],
        isGroup: true,
        groupTitle: "Select / Combo Controls",
        fields : [{
            name: "bugStatus", title: "ComboBox", hint: "<nobr>A simple combobox</nobr>",
            editorType: "ComboBoxItem",
            valueMap : {
                "cat" : "Cat",
                "dog" : "Dog",
                "giraffe" : "Giraffe",
                "goat" : "Goat",
                "marmoset" : "Marmoset",
                "mouse" : "Mouse"
            name: "itemName", title: "Item Name", editorType: "ComboBoxItem",
            optionDataSource: "supplyItem", hint: "<nobr>A databound combobox</nobr>"
        ID: "dateForm",
        width: 620,
        fixedColWidths: true,
        colWidths: [190, "*"],
        isGroup: true,
        groupTitle: "Date Controls",showPending:true,
        fields : [
            name: "dateItem2", title: "Date", hint: "<nobr>Direct date input</nobr>",
            editorType: "DateItem",
            useTextField: true
            name: "dateTimeItem", title: "Datetime", hint: "<nobr>Direct datetime input</nobr>",
            editorType: "DateTimeItem", type: "datetime",
            useTextField: true, defaultValue:new Date()
            name: "timeItem", title: "Time",
            editorType: "TimeItem"
            name: "dri", title: "Date Range",
            width: 400,
            editorType: "DateRangeItem",
            allowRelativeDates: true,
            fromDate: "$today",
            toDate: "-1m"
            name: "rdi", title: "Relative Date",
            editorType: "RelativeDateItem"
        membersMargin: 10,
        members: [ form1, form2, dateForm]
    if I run it using Safari or Chrome, I see a hover for the Date (empty hover) and Datetime (value + original value) fields.

    in Firefox I see a hover for every formItem.

    None of those hovers are expected as there aren't clipped values and there aren't changed values.

    sorry, wrong thread
    Attached Files
    Last edited by claudiobosticco; Yesterday, 02:24. Reason: posted in wrong thread


      SmartClient Version: SNAPSHOT_v13.1d_2024-09-13/AllModules Development Only (built 2024-09-13)

      There's also a problem with TextAreaItems which I didn't include in the test case above. When not empty, they show an hover with the text, tested in Safari, Chrome and FF.

      It's evident from the developer console textAreas of the Results tab. Maybe it's also related to this?

