SmartClient Version: v13.1p_2024-12-20/AllModules Development Only (built 2024-12-20)
Safari on iPad Air XCode simulator
Tested with Shiva skin, spacious density.
Hello, please run this test case in the showcase, while in portrait orientation, run it in the browser console or developer console, not in the showcase sourceEditor:
Then switch to landscape orientation, and back to portrait, you'll see that the skin seems to change to dense density:
Safari on iPad Air XCode simulator
Tested with Shiva skin, spacious density.
Hello, please run this test case in the showcase, while in portrait orientation, run it in the browser console or developer console, not in the showcase sourceEditor:
isc.Window.create({ title: "foo", autoSize: true, autoCenter: true, bodyProperties: { defaultLayoutAlign: "center", membersMargin: 14, layoutLeftMargin: 20, layoutRightMargin: 20, layoutTopMargin: 20, layoutBottomMargin: 20 }, items: [ isc.DynamicForm.create({ colWidths: [120, "*"], width: 450, cellPadding: 10, fields: [ { name: "aField", title: "foo bar" } ] }) ] }).show()