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    CustomTile broke after Update to Smartgwt 5.0p

    Hello, after upgrading to Sgwt 5.0p I'm getting errors in the dev console when trying to receive RecordContextClickEvents from a TileGrid. Although the handler fires and I can handle the event, a ContextMenu is not showing anymore.

    Error Stacktrace is below.

    17:32:17.720:MDN8:WARN:Log:Call to Super for method: handleRightMouseDown failed on: [SimpleTile ID:FILEGALLERY_WORKSPACE_872099939_tile_0]: couldn't find a superclass implementation of : SimpleTile.handleRightMouseDown	[a][c]SimpleTile.invokeSuper(clazz=>null, methodName=>"handleRightMouseDown", a=>undef, b=>undef, c=>undef, d=>undef, e=>undef, f=>undef, g=>undef, h=>undef, i=>undef, j=>undef, lastArg=>undef) @ Class.js:1556:47
    	[a][c]SimpleTile.Super(methodName=>"handleRightMouseDown", args=>[object Arguments], nativeArguments=>undef) @ Class.js:1404:21
    	[a]SimpleTile.handleRightMouseDown() @ TileGrid.js:1054:25
    	[c]EventHandler.bubbleEvent(target=>[SimpleTile ID:FILEGALLERY_WORKSPACE_872099939_tile_0], eventType=>"rightMouseDown", eventInfo=>null, targetIsMasked=>false) @ EventHandler.js:5123:44
    	EventHandler.doHandleMouseDown(DOMevent=>[object MouseEvent], syntheticEvent=>undef) @ EventHandler.js:1810:28
    	EventHandler.observation() @ Class.js:2476:68
    	[c]EventHandler.handleMouseDown(DOMevent=>[object MouseEvent], syntheticEvent=>undef) @ EventHandler.js:1643:26
    	[c]EventHandler.dispatch(handler=>[c]EventHandler.handleMouseDown(), event=>[object MouseEvent]) @ EventHandler.js:6544:34
    	HTMLDocument.eval(event=>[object MouseEvent]) @ [no file]:3:127
    I'm using the setTileConstructor(String tileConstructor) - API from TileGrid to dynamically choose between different tile implementations for my different TileGrids. My CustomTiles all inherit from SimpleTile and render a DynamicForm that is added as a child at draw time.

    SmartClient Version: v10.0p_2014-09-24/LGPL Development Only (built 2014-09-24)

    We're not seeing any issue when we test with the sample you attached in post #1 of this thread:

    Clicking on the tiles doesn't generate any errors.

    Can you provide a repro case for this problem?

