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    Strange Calendar behaviour in SmartGWT 4.1


    I'm trying to migrate from SmartGWT 3.0 to 4.1. I migrated my code to 4.1, and found a strange behaviour in Calendar widget. I'd like to emphasize that my 3.0 code is in production and working normally, and I didn't change anything, just made a new project with 4.1 and deployed to the same environment.

    1) Handling background click
    I have a custom handler and a custom DynamicForm for adding new event.
    addBackgroundClickHandler(new BackgroundClickHandler() {
    	public void onBackgroundClick(BackgroundClickEvent event) {
    		// show DynamicForm
    The difference in 4.1 is that my handler gets invoked after I click on the background, but NOT when I drag the mouse as I want a longer duration of my event, which was not the case in 3.0.

    How I can catch dragging in 4.1?

    2) Wrong times in startDate and endDate
    When I drag events or try to add/edit events, the CalendarEvent that I receive in my handler has wrong startDate and endDate!

    The dates I get have the right date and the wrong time: sometimes 1:00 a.m., sometimes 1:11 a.m., sometimes 1:22 a.m., but without any rule when specific value appears! Those datetimes totally confused me. I even tried to show the simplest Calendar class (from the showcase) and the behaviour is the same!

    Environment: SmartGWT 4.1 (v9.1p_2014-03-23/EVAL Deployment), GWT 2.3.0, Firefox 26, Ubuntu 12.04 64-bit

    1) There's a backgroundMouseUp event which fires when the mouse is released and the cell under the mouse has changed. We've just made that public - please retest with a build of 4.1 dated March 25 or later.

    2) This sounds like there is a mismatch between rowHeight and eventSnapGap - make sure the latter is either the same as the former, or some sensible percentage of it


      Originally posted by Isomorphic View Post
      1) There's a backgroundMouseUp event which fires when the mouse is released and the cell under the mouse has changed. We've just made that public - please retest with a build of 4.1 dated March 25 or later.

      2) This sounds like there is a mismatch between rowHeight and eventSnapGap - make sure the latter is either the same as the former, or some sensible percentage of it
      1) Ok, I'll try that build.

      2) My values were: rowHeight = 40, eventSnapGap = 15.
      I've set both of them to 20, but the strange behaviour remained.


        Can you show some code for point 2? Specifically, the code for whichever handler you mean in your comment "the CalendarEvent that I receive in my handler"...

        Also, please clarify this comment: "I even tried to show the simplest Calendar class (from the showcase) and the behaviour is the same!"

        We're not sure what you mean - can you point us at the example you mean and give steps to reproduce?


          Originally posted by Isomorphic View Post
          Can you show some code for point 2? Specifically, the code for whichever handler you mean in your comment "the CalendarEvent that I receive in my handler"...

          Also, please clarify this comment: "I even tried to show the simplest Calendar class (from the showcase) and the behaviour is the same!"

          We're not sure what you mean - can you point us at the example you mean and give steps to reproduce?
          I understand that my description isn't precise enough. Tomorrow I'll try to prepare minimum code to reproduce the strange behaviour.


            Originally posted by Isomorphic View Post
            Can you show some code for point 2? Specifically, the code for whichever handler you mean in your comment "the CalendarEvent that I receive in my handler"...

            Also, please clarify this comment: "I even tried to show the simplest Calendar class (from the showcase) and the behaviour is the same!"

            We're not sure what you mean - can you point us at the example you mean and give steps to reproduce?
            I managed to reproduce the strange behaviour. I took the "buildinds" sample and modified it. It appears when I include Croatian localization.

            1) BuiltInDS
            public class BuiltInDS implements EntryPoint {
            	 * This is the entry point method.
            	public void onModuleLoad() {
            		DataSource eventDS = new DataSource();
            		DataSourceSequenceField eventIdField = new DataSourceSequenceField("eventId");
            		DataSourceTextField nameField = new DataSourceTextField("name");
            		DataSourceTextField descField = new DataSourceTextField("description");
            		DataSourceDateTimeField startDateField = new DataSourceDateTimeField("startDate");
            		DataSourceDateTimeField endDateField = new DataSourceDateTimeField("endDate");
            		eventDS.setFields(eventIdField, nameField, descField, startDateField, endDateField);
            		Calendar calendar = new Calendar();
            		calendar.addBackgroundClickHandler(new BackgroundClickHandler() {
            			public void onBackgroundClick(BackgroundClickEvent event) {
            				System.out.println("event.getStartDate() = " + event.getStartDate());
            				System.out.println("event.getEndDate() = " + event.getEndDate());
            2) The CalendarData class from the showcase is added to the project as is.

            3) BuiltInDS.html
                <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
                <!--  ADDED!   -->
                <meta name="gwt:property" content="locale=hr">
            4) BuiltInDS.gwt.xml
            <module rename-to="builtinds">
                <inherits name=''/>
                <!--  ADDED!   -->
                <inherits name=""/>
                <inherits name=""/>
                <inherits name=""/>
                <inherits name="com.smartgwtee.SmartGwtEE"/>
                <!--  ADDED!   -->
                <extend-property name="locale" values="hr"/>
                <!--  ADDED!   -->
                <set-property-fallback name="locale" value="hr"/>
                <entry-point class='com.smartgwt.sample.client.BuiltInDS'/>
            When I remove the added lines from BuiltInDS.html and BuiltInDS.gwt.xml, everything works as expected.


              Originally posted by Isomorphic View Post
              1) There's a backgroundMouseUp event which fires when the mouse is released and the cell under the mouse has changed. We've just made that public - please retest with a build of 4.1 dated March 25 or later.
              This one works, thank you!


                It seems that the bug with start and end times was solved. Thank you!

