This patch code resolves an issue with SmartClient versions 7.0rc2 and 8.0 whereby generated HTML for Button and SectionHeader could be incomplete in some cases. This typically had no user-visible impact except when putting together HTML for the print-view of these components.
if (window.isc != null) { if (isc.version.startsWith("7.0rc2/") || isc.version.startsWith("SC_SNAPSHOT-2011-01-05/")) { isc.Button.addProperties({ fillInCell:function (_1, _2) { var _3 = this.isRTL(); var _4 = this.getTitleHTML(); if (!this.icon) { if (isc.Browser.isMoz) { var _5 = this.reliableMinHeight; _1[_2] = _5 ? "<div>" : null; _1[_2 + 1] = _4; _1[_2 + 2] = _5 ? "</div>" : null; this.$5c(_1, _2 + 3); } else { _1[_2] = _4; this.$5c(_1, _2 + 1); } return; } var _6 = this.iconOrientation != this.$o1, _7 = this.$5d(); if (this.noIconSubtable) { var _8 = isc.Canvas.spacerHTML(this.iconSpacing, 1); _1[_2] = _6 ? isc.SB.concat(_7, _8, _4) : isc.SB.concat(_4, _8, _7); this.$5c(_1, _2 + 1); return; } var _9 = this.$5b(), _10; if (_9) { _10 = (this.iconWidth ? this.iconWidth : this.iconSize) + this.iconSpacing; } _1[_2] = _9 ? this.$4i : this.$4h; var _11 = this.isPrinting ? this.getPrintStyleName() : this.titleStyle ? this.titleStyle + (this.isDisabled() ? isc.StatefulCanvas.STATE_DISABLED : isc.emptyString) : this.getStateName(); if (_6) { _1[++_2] = this.$4n; _1[++_2] = _11; _1[++_2] = this.$4o; _1[++_2] = !_3 ? this.$4j : this.$4k; _1[++_2] = this.iconSpacing; if (_9) { _1[++_2] = "px;width:"; _1[++_2] = _10; } _1[++_2] = this.$4l; _1[++_2] = _7; _1[++_2] = this.$4m; _1[++_2] = this.$4n; _1[++_2] = _11; _1[++_2] = this.$4o; if (_9) { _1[++_2] = "' align='"; _1[++_2] = this.align; } _1[++_2] = this.wrap ? this.$4p : this.$4q; _1[++_2] = _4; } else { _1[++_2] = this.$4n; _1[++_2] = _11; _1[++_2] = this.$4o; if (_9) { _1[++_2] = "' align='"; _1[++_2] = this.align; } _1[++_2] = this.wrap ? this.$4p : this.$4q; _1[++_2] = _4; _1[++_2] = this.$4m; _1[++_2] = this.$4n; _1[++_2] = _11; _1[++_2] = this.$4o; _1[++_2] = !_3 ? this.$4k : this.$4j; _1[++_2] = this.iconSpacing; if (_9) { _1[++_2] = "px;width:"; _1[++_2] = _10; } _1[++_2] = this.$4l; _1[++_2] = _7; } _1[++_2] = this.$4r; this.$5c(_1, _2+1); } }); } else { isc.Log.logWarn("Patch code for SmartClient versions 7.0rc2 and 8.0 [full version string: 'SC_SNAPSHOT-2011-01-05/'] " + "included in this application. You are running SmartClient version " + isc.version + ". The patch code will have no effect in this application and should be removed."); } }