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    SmartClient 6.5.1 / Firefox 3 - fix for issue with dynamically freezing columns

    An issue exists in Firefox version 3 running with the SmartClient 6.5.1 build whereby when dynamically freezing ListGrid columns via the header context-menu options could lead to the ListGrid body becoming wrongly sized.

    This is a patch to address that issue:
    // Isomorphic SmartClient 6.5.1 patch
    // Purpose: Fix for an issue introduced with Firefox version 3.0 whereby dynamically freezing
    // a column in the ListGrid would lead to the body being wrongly sized.
    // Applies to SmartClient 6.5.1 builds only
    if (window.isc && isc.version.startsWith("6.5.1/")) {
    if (isc.GridBody) {
        layoutChildren : function (reason,a,b,c) {     
            this.invokeSuper(null, "layoutChildren", reason,a,b,c);
            if (!this.isDrawn() || (this.grid.frozenFields && !this.grid.bodyLayout.isDrawn())) return;
            if (reason == "scrolling state changed") {
                if (this.$28i == null) {
                    this.grid.layoutChildren("body scroll changed");
                    delete this.$30e;
                } else {
                    this.$30e = true;
    } else if (window.isc) {
      isc.Log.logWarn("Patch for SmartClient 6.5.1 builds included in this application. " +
                "You are currently running SmartClient verion '"+ isc.version + 
                "'. This patch is not compatible with this build and will have no effect. " +
                "It should be removed from your application source.");