In the SmartClient 5.7.1 build, there is an issue with the ComboBoxItem class whereby in some cases, on Internet Explorer only, focus being taken from the item can lead to a JavaScript error.
This patch will address this issue.
It applies to SmartClient 5.7.1 versions only.
This patch will address this issue.
It applies to SmartClient 5.7.1 versions only.
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Isomorphic SmartClient v5.71 patch // Purpose: Resolves a case where ComboBoxItems could potentially cause a JS error on blur // in some cases (in Internet Explorer only) // // Applies to SmartClient version 5.71 only //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (window.isc && isc.version.startsWith("5.7.1/")){ isc.ComboBoxItem.addMethods({elementBlur : function () {this.Super("elementBlur", arguments);var pickList = this.pickList,EH = isc.EH,event = EH.lastEvent; if (!event) return; if ((pickList && ((event.eventType == "selectionChange" && pickList.contains(isc.EH.mouseDownTarget())) || ((event.eventType == EH.MOUSE_DOWN || event.eventType == EH.CLICK) && pickList.contains(,true)))) || (isc.Browser.isIE && this.getActiveElement() == this.getDataElement())) {return;} delete this.$19i;delete this.$43i; if (!pickList || !pickList.isVisible()) return;pickList.hide();}}); } else if (window.isc) { isc.Log.logWarn("Patch for SmartClient 5.71 included in this application. " + "You are currently running SmartClient verion '"+ isc.version + "'. This patch is not compatible with this build and will have no effect. " + "It should be removed from your application source."); }