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    SmartGWT Pro Installation


    I've been using the SmartGWT EE Trial for a while now and I liked it so much that I decided to buy a SmartClient/ SmartGWT Pro License, since all the features I needed were under the Pro license.

    Is there a download like the smartgwt-ee trial download but for the pro version. I am really confused on how to incorporate the Pro License into SmartGWT?


    I'm also curious about this. I've been using the SmartGWTEE trial and really like it. I think I want to buy a Pro license, but a couple of the license distinctions are unclear to me.

    I see that the visualBuilder "team license" is only available for enterprise - can I still use visualBuilder on my local machine under the Pro license, or is it not included at all?

    I would love to try a smartgwtPro trial, just to make sure that I don't need to buy EE.

    Thanks! This product seems great and I'm looking forward to purchasing it!


      See the Product Overview page. Visual Builder for individual use comes with Pro, it's checked in the Pro column.

