I'm running Fedora 12. "Please wait ..." never goes away. FF 3.5 works. The online version works with Chrome.
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I downloaded 2.4 from http://code.google.com/p/smartgwt/downloads/list
I unzipped smartgwt-2.4.zip with 0 changes.
All I did was open file:///.xxx/smartgwt-2.4/samples/Showcase/war/index.htm in the URL with no compiling. It worked with the identical behavior with FF 3.5
BTW, If I compile the showcase, it does load with Chrome, however, its behavior is inconsistent. I will get more details.
More details from Chrome console:
Unsafe JavaScript attempt to access frame with URL file:///home/sbuschman/Downloads/smartgwt-2.4/samples/Showcase/war/index.html from frame with URL file:///home/sbuschman/Downloads/smartgwt-2.4/samples/Showcase/war/showcase/B22F953C6D66089A21E57F35C31589C0.cache.html. Domains, protocols and ports must match.
OK, it has nothing to do with the showcase. Running helloworld doesn't work either because of the same mismatch issue.Last edited by sbusch; 3 Jan 2011, 11:16.
Chrome in particular has stricter rules about loading GWT compiled applications from a filesystem. If you inspect the Chrome developer console you'll see an error message like
Code:Unsafe JavaScript attempt to access frame with URL file:..samples/Showcase/war/index.html from frame with URL file:..samples/Showcase/war/showcase/BA3330101903B4D707435D771BCCBCD5.cache.html. Domains, protocols and ports must match.
Firefox and Safari do not complain and in IE the app loads fine after you all access when prompted with the warning.