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    “Cannot read property 'setAutoDraw' of undefined” using Smart GWT elements

    I have posted my issue on stackoverflow (see link).

    The problem is that I am getting the error “Cannot read property 'setAutoDraw' of undefined” if I import a Smart GWT Button (or any other Widget). I am not sure what it is that I am missing or if this is a version problem or anything else. Can somebody help me to make this work?

    BR; Stefan
    I am trying to introduce SmartGWT to my existing GWT application. What I did so far was placing <inherits name="com.smartgwt.SmartGwt"/> into my client.gwt.xml and module.gwt.xml files. I...


    Using Firefox revealed this error message:

    Core SmartClient JavaScript libraries appear not to be loaded.
    If inheriting the NoScript SmartGWT modules, verify that the HTML file includes <script src=...> tags to load the SmartClient module .js files from the appropriate location within the WAR.
    By default these files are present under [GWT app name]/sc/modules/.  app-0.js:219285:3
    Exception: com.smartgwt.client.core.JsObject$SGWT_WARN: Core SmartClient JavaScript libraries appear not to be loaded.
    If inheriting the NoScript SmartGWT modules, verify that the HTML file includes <script src=...> tags to load the SmartClient module .js files from the appropriate location within the WAR.
    By default these files are present under [GWT app name]/sc/modules/.  app-0.js:219281
    However, the code server seems to find the modules:

    [INFO]    Invoking Linker SmartGwtScriptInjector
    [INFO]       Creating loadScriptTagFiles.js to manually load the following script tags:
    [INFO] sc/modules/ISC_Core.js
    [INFO] sc/modules/ISC_Foundation.js
    [INFO] sc/modules/ISC_Containers.js
    [INFO] sc/modules/ISC_Grids.js
    [INFO] sc/modules/ISC_Forms.js
    [INFO] sc/modules/ISC_RichTextEditor.js
    [INFO] sc/modules/ISC_Calendar.js
    [INFO] sc/modules/ISC_DataBinding.js
    [INFO] sc/skins/Enterprise/load_skin.js
    [INFO]          Link succeeded
    [INFO]          Linking succeeded -- 1,859s
    [INFO]       6,486s total -- Compile completed
    [INFO] GET /app/css/
    [INFO]    Sent error page: not found: E:\java\mahlzeit\mahlzeit-server\target\gwt\codeserver\com.mahlzeit.client.ClientEntryPoint\compile-8\war\app\css\
    [INFO] GET /sourcemaps/app/B5B19CA020B941C8E9C3490F8E2E1538_sourcemap.json
    [INFO]    sent source map for module 'app' in 306 ms
    I tried to set

        var isomorphicDir = "sc/modules/";
        <!-- Also tried app/sc/modules -->
    but this does not change anything. In the target directory I see that the path to those modules is `app/sc/modules` so I tried that too, without success unfortunately.


      Same issue. please help, cannot run test task


        The JS modules are not actually loading. Look in the Developer Tools for your browser and you will most likely see 404 Not Found results for the attempts to load the JS files. Adjust your paths accordingly.

