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    What is the relationship between isomorphicDir(javascript variable) and servlet mapping url(web.xml)

    i using SmartClient v11 and i will use SmartClient v12

    i change isomorphicDir for test

    <script>var isomorphicDir="./isomorphic-12/";</script>

    and I met an error.

    Click image for larger version  Name:	err.png Views:	2 Size:	7.3 KB ID:	256048

    I want to keep the existing folder(isomorphic v11 directory)


    I want to create a new directoryisomorphic v12 directory)


    I want to use servelet mapping url '/isomorphic/IDACall'

    I hope your response
    Attached Files
    Last edited by justpdh; 30 Nov 2018, 01:23.

    Hi justpdh,

    I'd not change the isomorphicDir at all.
    You are not running the application twice at the same time in 11 and 12, correct? This would not work, because you'd have v11 and v12 versions of many basic JAR files.

    Then just keep a copy of that old directory the old war file. Would that solve your use case?

    Or you could deploy old and new as two separate applications under separate URLs in your Tomcat / Application server.

    Best regards


      Dear Blama

      Then just keep a copy of that old directory the old war file. Would that solve your use case?
      >> yes. I solved already with maven build

      In your reply I got what I wanted.

      i changed all servlet mappings of web.xml. /isomorphic/ --> /isomorphic-12/

      It works!

      There is one more question..

      Can I use all modules of SmartClient when I change the address to '/isomorphic-12/'?

      Thank you.

      Last edited by justpdh; 30 Nov 2018, 02:02.



        I don't know this, but don't think there is a problem. Only important thing is not to have duplicate JARs (e.g. isomorphic_core.jar) in one project.
        Also, JARs in use and JS code should/must match.

        Still, I don't get why you want to change this.

        Best regards


          Dear Blama

          This is for rollback when a compatibility issue occurs

          Is it the wrong way?



            assuming nothing in the DB changes, you can just keep your old war file and roll it out if necessary, can't you?

            Also, you could offer that old war as 2nd application under a different URL. Then you have a fallback, that is already live (of course, the user would have to enter a different URL, but you could also redirect from the default URL in that emergency case).

            Best regards

