Your organization chose to buy licenses only and declined to purchase any services. You actually aren't entitled to forums assistance, although we have helped you out, at our expense, several times.
Note just for reference that our enterprise licenses are less expensive, or around as expensive, as the services you are hoping might be bundled (support, training...). So we certainly have no room to "throw in" such services at such a low price point.
In short, we do offer various levels of premium service, they just aren't free, of course.
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Thank you, Admin.
As we are Enterprise users do we have any technical assistance provided other than forums?
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We don't have the setup instructions in video format, however, we do offer training courses to get you set up if you need help.
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Hi Admin,
Thank you for the link. By any chance do we have a video tutorial explaining the setup?
or any development/debugging in smartGWT
Thank you,
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Thank you for the quick response.
Can you guide me on what additional configuration has to be added to our GWT project file (gwt.xml)?
Thank you,
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Setting Up a debugger
I am trying to set up a development mode in my GWT project. I tried setting up like how we do for a maven project and that doesn't work (no setup failure messages).
Can anyone share/have the setup guide for this?
Thank you,
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