Originally posted by bobby123o
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Also, I read everything about this "DataSource" in the link and I have a few questions. Is this nessesary? We will most likely not do any more major development so would it be quicker to try to replicate the old strucuture of gwtext as closely as possible if that is possible?
If you try to write a system without DataSources, you will write 10x as much code, and your application will be brittle, slow, and far less functional.
If you understand DataSources and use them as directed, your new codebase will likely be 1/2 to 1/3 the size of your old codebase, with more functionality and huge speed gains.
You also mentioned it is possible to run react with smartclient. If we were to upgrade one step further to full javascript / react in the future. Would this be easy if the same components / widgets exist in smart client?
However, if you think you are going to end up with JavaScript / React, you should probably just do it now.
Compare the source code of any two corresponding samples between the SmartClient and SmartGWT showcase:
... and you will see that the SmartClient code is shorter, clearer and easier to read.
As far as specifically adding using SmartClient's support for React as opposed to just using SmartClient directly, we would recommend just starting with direct use of SmartClient. If you eventually find a use for React, the JavaScript code you write will work in React, unchanged.
React doesn't add functionality to SmartClient, the main thing it does is add an additional syntax for declaring components (React's JSX XML format). In order to get this additional syntax, you have to set up a toolchain similar to GWT, with a transpiler, which means you lose the convenience & speed of the "just reload" development model and also have to debug transpiled code instead of your original code.
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