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  • Isomorphic
    1) isc-jakarta-oro is no longer needed as Regular Expression support is now part of core Java.

    2) Messaging is the server support for the Real-Time Messaging Feature.

    This has to be separately purchased and downloaded:

    You've posted from a new account with no attached licensing information, so we're not sure whether you previously bought this add-on.

    3) smartclient-tools-resources would be part of the Dashboards & Tools framework, which comes with Enterprise, so shouldn't have been part of your (runtime) Maven setup

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  • Help in migration of an existing web app from smartclient version 10.0-p20150415 professional to version smartclient 13.0-p20230720 power

    Good morning,
    I'm migrating the version of smartclient used in an existing webapp from 10.0-p20150415 professional to version smartclient 13.0-p20230720 power.
    The webapp will have to be deployed on tomcat 8.5.83.
    I'm having problems on maven build. The project has some dependencies in pom file to some libraries that I didn't find in the downloaded zip file which contained the smartclient version 13.0-p20230720 power.

    Could you please confirm if they are removed in versions after 10.0-p20150415 professional?

    Libraries I haven't found are:
    * isc-jakarta-oro
    * isomorphic-messaging
    * smatclient-tools-resouces (in my project pom I have dependency with smartclient-tools and I saw that its pom has a dependency with smatclient-tools-resouces war file which I didn't find)

    Thanks for any help.