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    Method called while filtering the records

    I am using a filter editor in my List grid. There is also a data source linked with the grid. Initially I fetch all the records in my grid and then if i try to filter the records , the filtering operation is a client side operation but i want to make a server call , how can this be done ?
    OR if someone can tell, which method is called when I enters some search criteria in the grid and click on the search button ??
    Thanks in advance.

    I have exactly the same problem. I overwrote all fetchData(*) and filterData(*)
    methods of ListGrid and DataSource and none of these methods is invoked after pressing filter button.


      I have already asked basically the same question here: (Question 2 in the post.)


        I also have the same problem


          To control whether filtering is done client or server-side, see ListGrid.dataFetchMode and the docs for ResultSet.

          Overriding fetchData() or filterData() definitely does not make sense as an approach for controlling this behavior, and it's extremely rare that it makes sense in general. Read the overviews of client and server data integration in the FAQ, and if you think you still have a need to override these methods, please explain what you're trying to do in great detail, and why you eliminated all of the best practices suggested in the docs.

