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    Caching of Deployed Apps


    sometimes after deploying a new version of an App I've to clear the cache manually otherwise the App is in an inconsistent state and doesn't show up/work properly. The SC js libs are not affected as they're constant, the generated HTML's are already dynamically namespaced. Is this an issue with the application main js file (which already has a 'nocache' in its file name)? Any hints are greatly appreciated.

    Thx ia


    * GWT Rocks! * SmartGWT Rocks Even Harder! * SmartGWT PRO 2.1,
    GWT 2.0, Jetty 7.0.0, Eclipse 3.5.1, JRE 1.6.0_16 *
    For Evaluation only: MySQL 5.1.41, Connector/J 5.1.10

    *** ***

    Take a look in Firebug's NET panel at the initial load of the application from an empty cache, and inspect the response headers to see if something that should not be cached is advertised as cachable (eg, has Expires headers with a far-future date).


      Our application is also redeployed every night and I've experienced this behavior as well.
      One of most prominent problems was when the application was upgraded from SmartGWT 1.7 to SmartGWT 2: initial load of the page still showed the UI of SmartGWT 1.7. Hitting F5 in the browser loaded the page in SmartGWT 2 UI.

      I'll try to have a look at the headers using firebug after a redeploy as suggested, unless someone already pinpointed the problem :) ?


        Turns out this is a problem with GWT2 (maybe even from GWT 1.7). The old auto-no-cache way from GWT1.6 has changed.

        See section Perfect Caching in the GWT documentation.
        They're saying you need to do it yourself: make your webserver not cache the nocache file.
        As we're running in an applications server, this is a bit of a problem.

