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    Hot Deploy with JBoss/MyEclipse 8.5

    Our code, deploy, test cycle is around 90 sec when using Hot Deploy.

    We are running into an issue where hot deploy usually requiring that the client jvm restart, and then of course a refresh in the browser. The refresh in the browser causes the app to be completely reloaded which ends up with quite a few DS and data loads.

    I get a Hot Code Replacement failure for something as simple as changing the title on a Tab.

    One obvious fix is to lazy load as many DSs and data as possible.

    I am looking for
    1. any suggestions on how to improve the time needed to deploy a change.
    2. why are we getting hot code replacement failure for all changes(or seems like all changes).
    2. are there others out there using a remote server with a decent sized app that have a shorter hot deploy time/problems

    Our Env is

    GWT Env:
    SmartGWT Power 2.1, GWT 2.0.3

    Eclipse Env:
    MyEclipse 8.5 (Eclipse 3.5.2), Google Plugin for Eclipse 3.5 (1.3.2), Google Web Toolkit SDK (2.0.3), JVM 1.6 running Eclipse

    Server Env:
    Jboss 4.3 EAP with JDK 1.5

    For starting GWT Client Debugging we start up with:
    Embedded Server: unchecked
    Arguments :
    -noserver -remoteUI "${gwt_remote_ui_server_port}:${unique_id}" -logLevel INFO -war C:\Workspaces\8_latest\stafftrack_war\war net.stafftrack.ui.web.gwt.StaffTrack -startupUrl

    vm args: -Xmx512m

    JRE: 1.5
    Last edited by dscovill; 14 Apr 2010, 03:49.

    To follow up on this, I think the source of our problem is that we are running in Development Mode with a remote deployment of our web application. This requires the development mode to run a separate thread with a socket that listens for debugging commands coming from the remote instance. In this setup we can do hot debugging, although its not totally robust always, but an gui/client code changes we canot get to hot redeploy. This is where we normally end up doing a full gwt recompile followed by a web application redeploy. These two steps in total take a good amount of time. Is there a way to get the hot redeploy working in this type of setup? If so what are the necessary settings?

    Our environment is pointed out in the previous post. The web application that we have is a standard JEE .war which is deployed in an exploded war format, not jarred up for development, and contains all of our gwt/smartgwt modules. During development this exploded war is deployed to a remote JBoss instance which we manage and debug directly through our MyEclipse development environment. The gwt development mode debugging is done in the same manner, through the MyEclipse environment, via the gwt plugin and the development mode window.


      I believe the failure to hot-redeploy code was resolved offline via an upgrade to the latest GWT.

      A refresh of the browser (therefore a reload of the application) will always be required to view your fresh code. If the initial time to load your application seems high we'd recommend restructuring your application code to lazily create components and perform dataSource fetch operations only as they are required (IE when they are shown to the user), rather than having the entire UI be built on page load.

