When I read out records from a ResultSet, asking for not-yet-loaded records (via get or getRange) yields a placeholder value, called Array.LOADING in the docs - However, I can not find this value anywhere in the SmartGWT JAVA wrapper.
So, how do I recognize wherher a record I have read out is loaded or not?
Until now, I used to simply check for empty records, not now I have realized that I get different placeholders in developer mode and in deployed mode...
... I guess there is an API for this, but where?
Thank you for your help!
So, how do I recognize wherher a record I have read out is loaded or not?
Until now, I used to simply check for empty records, not now I have realized that I get different placeholders in developer mode and in deployed mode...
... I guess there is an API for this, but where?
Thank you for your help!