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    TabSet Baseline


    I'm trying to do a custom skin and am running into difficulties with the tabset baseline. After many hours of searching this forum and trial and error, I have hit a roadblock.

    1. It seems that the baseline images (start, stretch, and end) in the skin directory (images/Tab/top) do nothing.

    2. Based on my searching, it seems that it can only be controlled from the load_skin.js file in the skin directory. I changed the source for the baseline image there with no luck. Apparently the default skin uses CSS and not images for the baseline and there is no method in the javadocs for controlling the baseline.

    Is this correct? Has anyone successfully modified the baseline in smartgwt? Am I missing something obvious? :-)

    Thanks for any help,


    I see in the HTML created code the following line:

    <DIV class="normal" id="isc_1B" style="Z-INDEX: 200918; LEFT: 0px; OVERFLOW: hidden; WIDTH: 1639px; CURSOR: default; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 19px; HEIGHT: 1px; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #4d5258" onscroll="return isc_TabSet_0_tabBar_baseLine.$lh()" eventProxy="isc_TabSet_0_tabBar_baseLine">

    You can see that baseline div doesn't use any class and has BACKGROUND-COLOR: #4d5258 inside. It seems to me like bug in SmartGWT (SmartClient) code.

    Did you managed to fix it? Can somebody suggest how to override baseline color?



      Hi guys,

      i'm having the exact same problem. Been searching everywhere but no solution.

      There are a couple of parameters for baseline in the tabbar of the tabset, according to the reference, however there's nothing in smartGWT to work with them.

      Since i only want to change it for ONE specific instance of tabset but not all working with load_skin.js is not a working option.

      There was a "settabpaneclassname" for the pane, so i could remove the pane borders that way, but there's nothing in the api for the tabbar properties.

      Has anybody managed to change the color or remove a tab bar's baseline? Would love to hear about it...




        Please follow this link :

        This is the smartclient example where images are used for baseline, tabpane edges etc. Looking at the load_skin.js file of this TreeFrog theme present in smartgwt-skins.jar should give an idea on how to achieve this. In the default Enterprise theme in smartgwt they don't use any images for the pane edges. Its a plain canvas.

        Hope this helps.



          I just tried to implement it but it doesn't take the base line images. Seems to be a bug. I have posted a relevant question here:


            if you like you can change the img source to what u need , but should use the same img name and size



              I tried it but somehow it doesn't take any images. It renders the default Canvas based baseline.



                you should replace the image with image you want and put to it the same name
                for it .
                you should refresh the browser because it may be cashed in memory

