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    Drag and Drop between DataSource Bound Treegrids

    Dear forum members,

    I am faced by the below problem, and I am not able to figure out what can be done to resolve it.

    There are two TreeGrids on a page, which support drag and drop between them. As these Treegrids are datasource bound, whenever I perform any drag and drop, these changes are propogated to the database and are saved.

    But what if I committed some mistake, by appending node to a wrong parent, what can I do to undo those changes, without having to manually perform the reverse drag and drop?


    How to implement a mechanism, such that when I am convinced by my changes, I click the save button and these changes are sent to the database?

    Added to the fact that trees in my applications are quite large, so I need to use the loadOnDemand feature of TreeGrids

    Could anyone please provide some direction to me?
    Should you have any queries then please do let me know.

    Note: I am using NetBeans IDE 6.8, GWT 2.0.3 and SmartGWT 2.1, Firefox 3.6.3

    Kind regards,
    Hardik Raja