I've added "Save image locally" feature. By default new modal window with chart image will be shown. But You can customize this window by changing ChartWidget.getSaveImageWindow() properties. You can checkout latest trunk from googlecode(http://code.google.com/p/ofc4sgwt/ ) or download binary from http://dl.dropbox.com/u/690921/OFCChart4SGWT-1.0.jar
Any suggestions as to what needs to be changed to get this to work with SmartGWTPro?
I have changed the <inherits... in OFC4SGWT.gwt.xml but it still seems to be referencing smartgwt since the app now complains about not being to access server side datasources, ie when you run the app it tells you to use smartgwtpro, not smartgwt.
After i clicked "save image locally", the popup doesnt seems to show the image correctly on IE. However if I output the image to HTML and load it in Firefox, then it seems fine. Anybody have similar problem on this?? Is this a browser related issue?
I tried to put the static chart returning a flashlet as item of a sectionStack and it returns a Json invalid string error. By the other hand, if I did the same but put the Widget as member of a Vlayout and it worked fine.
Is there anything special to do to put the chart as an item of sectionStack?