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    TreeGrid miscalculates click coordinates

    When I use the showcase (2.1) example Tree->Data Binding->Load on Demand and add the following settings to the TreeGrid
    then the click coordinates seem to be miscalculated. When opening the tree to the third level/leaf level and single clicking on the plus sign, the sign should disappear as there are no children. On the third level, the plus sign does not react at all, only when clicking left of the plus sign (or when double clicking) the sign disappears. Same problem exists with more than 3 levels, so the fourth (and so on) level is not opened when clicking on the particular parent plus sign.

    This only happens with connectors enabled and when the indentation is less than the default of 20. With more than 20 it seems to work.

    Is there a workaround this problem? As I have a great number of entries I'd like to reduce the indentation to get more data on the screen.

    Reducing the indentSize below 20 when showing connectors is not supported. The reason is that the connectors are displayed with a fixed-width image. Documentation will be changed to reflect this situation and the code adjusted to prevent it in the future.

