I'm working on information system baset on SmartGWT, we are using server side filtering with getting criteria on client side. Problem appears when grid conatins field with type ListGridFieldType.DATE then a get
{operator=and, _constructor=AdvancedCriteria, criteria=[object Object]}
instead of filter data. Is there any solution how to get criteria in this case?
I'm working on information system baset on SmartGWT, we are using server side filtering with getting criteria on client side. Problem appears when grid conatins field with type ListGridFieldType.DATE then a get
{operator=and, _constructor=AdvancedCriteria, criteria=[object Object]}
instead of filter data. Is there any solution how to get criteria in this case?
public void filterGrid() { userGridCriteria = getFilterEditorCriteria(); String valueString; //Date valueDate; String nonValidCriteria = ""; filterOfGrid.clearList(); for (int i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) { if (userGridCriteria.getValues() != null && userGridCriteria.getValues().get(fields[i].getName()) != null) { firstRow = 0; FilterVo filterVo = null; if (fields[i].getType() == ListGridFieldType.INTEGER) { .........