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    how to group two separate radioGroupItems?

    Hi All..
    can anybody please tell me how to group two radioGroupItem in smartGwt?
    radioGroupItem itself contain radios which are grouped together..but i want to group to separate radioGroupItem???

    Can you elaborate on what you are trying to do? What options would require grouping two seperate radiogroupitems? This can easily be done by extending CanvasItem and adding your own logic, but before going that route probably want to be clear on what you want to accomplish.


      Actually the pattern which i want is..

      A B
      C D

      here A and B belongs to 1 radioGroupItem(ie this radioGroupItem valueMap contain A and B)
      Similarly C and D belongs to other radioGroupItem(ie this radioGroupItem valueMap contain C and D)

      now i want to select 1 radio among A,B,C and D..
      how it can be done??


        In that case just create two radio group items, for each add an onChangedHandler(), if A or B gets selected, clear the values from the other radio group item and vice versa.


          But how do you clear the values from C and D? Calling setValue(null) on a RadioGroupItem doesn't uncheck the radio buttons for me.

