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    client/server version mismatch

    Our client appears has been getting a "Access Denied" error when trying to access a particular part of our smartclient dashboard. I checked our application logs and it I see this message during the same time he had the issue:

    client/server version mismatch. Client is version: 6.5.1b1, server is version: 7.0rc4 - mixing different client/server versions is generally not supported. If you've installed a more recent client version, try clearing the browser cache and reloading the page.

    Our other clients don't appear to have problems but this one does. He has tried clearing all temp internet files, cookies, history and also says he receives the same problem on another machine (whether true or not, not sure.. i'll assume true).

    Is there anything in particular that would be related to this message that I could look into?


    Possibly a broken central web cache at this user's organization is caching files that are several months old. If so, changing the URLs from which the user downloads the .js files would fix the problem (and this is good practice in general, to avoid just such issues).


      Hmm, I see. I can look into that.

      What do you mean by changing the URLs? We had recently changed servers and so there is technically a new URL link to the application site. But no manual downloading on his part (other than what the browser does).


        Changing servers should definitely have cleared the cache for this user. So you'll have to look at when you moved from 6.5.1 to 7.0 vs when you changed servers and when this person first accessed the application.

