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    auto complete


    In a DynamicForm I have username field. As soon as I start typing, I want the autocomplete thing to happen. Means, if I have already used that interface to login when I login next time and start typing my user name it should give me a drop down value with suggested value (which is very normal in case of plain html).

    Do i need to set some value ? Do i need to give some special name to the textbox i have in that dynamicForm ?

    I am using SmartClient 7.0 rc2 open source version

    Thanks in Advance


    Generally that happens because of browser caching, for your app to do it, you need a ComboBoxItem but you would need to somehow how stored previous logins from say the past x minutes, call setValueMap() with those logins, this way if the user did login in the past x minutes, they would get autocomplete, otherwise they can just go ahead and type in their own username and proceed as usual. Generally a bad thing though to reveal other usernames, this is better done with 'remember me' type functionality or cookies.
    Last edited by svjard; 7 Jun 2010, 12:24.


      thanks. actually i do not want to store it.
      need to see if smartClient by default disables some browser cache or something like that.


        Actually by using smartclient (sorry I keep assuming your using smartgwt since your posting here) you won't get the same effect you would with standard html. That is a normal login form if you entered a username your browser may remember or prompt you to remember and you would get the autocomplete functionality. With Smartclient you will never get that unless you explicity set the autocomplete functionality, which you could do but I would do on a cookie basis if you go that route so the user will only see their own login.


          thanks for your response.
          actually, i am posting here because i do not get any response from smartclient forum (i m sorry for that)

