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    Linking HTML pages with Smartgwt + eclipse??


    For the time being I am making a simple login page, and I want to link multiple html pages. Such as when i am at the default page i.e login i enter my password and username, and when the submit button is clicked, I would like to go to a new html page.

    Please can someone help me out. I am pretty new at this:(


    Uhh well simple answer,, "_self", ""); but in general many people use things like Spring Security or other mechanisms to handle that and note I assume your using GWT so it does not work like a normal multiple web-page website as you might think. But perhaps your only using Smartgwt for a login page.


      Yes I am using SmartGwt, but when I go through the default example i notice that the html file is linked through a servlet. Now the command you mentioned, I presume that is opening a new window? But instead of opening a new window, I just want to go to a new page within the same window.

      I am having a hard time understanding the concept of mapping the html page through a servlet. From what I understand so far in order to link my html pages together, I need a servlet for it, and then using a click even handler, to direct it????


        I would recommend you start with reading up on GWT, mappings in the servlet is way outside SmartGWT, you need to start with some of the more basic tutorials on servlets and that interaction, especially as how GWT relates to the picture. Sorry but too loaded a question to tackle in a forum post.

