So.. here's what im trying to do.
I have a class named MenuWidget which has "options" (array of Label's) and a container (VLayout).
I want to be able to change the current active option (menu option) based on where I am on the page. I already have this working, but my current approach requires instantiating a new MenuWidget each time I change page, because, after many attempts, I havent been able to re-use the same object of MenuWidget.
**This is my LayoutHelper (I use it to interact with the layout)**
***Then, this is MenuWidget***
The first time I add the widget to the RootPanel, it renders fine, the second time, it shows nothing =/.
Any help would be greatly appreciated, and.. if someone knows a better way to do something I'm doing, suggestions are also welcomed (I havent been able to find good documentation besides the javadoc api =/)
I have a class named MenuWidget which has "options" (array of Label's) and a container (VLayout).
I want to be able to change the current active option (menu option) based on where I am on the page. I already have this working, but my current approach requires instantiating a new MenuWidget each time I change page, because, after many attempts, I havent been able to re-use the same object of MenuWidget.
**This is my LayoutHelper (I use it to interact with the layout)**
public class LayoutHelper { private static MenuWidget menu; public static void render(String currentOption) { /** * @todo: mejorar esto, se tiene que instanciar un menu cada vez que se cambia de página, debe haber alguna manera mejor */ if(menu == null) { menu = new MenuWidget(); menu.setCurrentOption(currentOption);; } else { menu.setCurrentOption(currentOption); //this part menu.rebuild(); //doesnt work } RootPanel.get("menu").clear(); RootPanel.get("menu").add(menu.getCanvas()); } }
public class MenuWidget implements Widget { private Label[] options; private VLayout container; private String currentOption; public MenuWidget() { this.options = new Label[10]; this.container = new VLayout(); } @Override public Canvas getCanvas() { return container; } public void setupContainer() { container.setWidth("250"); container.setBackgroundColor("#3f3f3f"); for (int i = 0; i < this.options.length; ++i) { container.addMember(this.options[i]); } } public void setupOptions() { for (int i = 0; i < this.options.length; ++i) { options[i] = new Label(); options[i].setStyleName("menu_nav"); options[i].setHeight("25"); } options[0].setContents("Inicio"); options[0].addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { @Override public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { EventBus.getEventBus().fireEvent(new HomeShowViewEvent()); } }); options[1].setContents("Usuarios"); options[2].setContents("Clientes"); options[3].setContents("Proveedores"); options[4].setContents("Orden pedido"); options[4].addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { @Override public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { EventBus.getEventBus().fireEvent(new OpedidoShowViewEvent()); } }); options[5].setContents("Orden compra"); options[6].setContents("Orden reparto"); options[7].setContents("Orden recepción"); options[8].setContents("Orden pago"); updateCurrentOption(); } public void updateCurrentOption() { for (int i = 0; i < this.options.length; ++i) { if (options[i].getContents().equals(this.currentOption)) { options[i].setStyleName("menu_nav_active"); break; } } } @Override public void build() { setupOptions(); setupContainer(); } public void rebuild() { updateCurrentOption(); container.clear(); setupContainer(); //container.redraw(); } public void setCurrentOption(String option) { currentOption = option; } }
Any help would be greatly appreciated, and.. if someone knows a better way to do something I'm doing, suggestions are also welcomed (I havent been able to find good documentation besides the javadoc api =/)