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    why the listgrid can not auto refresh after update action?

    I have a test app that has a listGrid and dynamicForm that both share the same data source. The datasource is a RestDataSource using a local js file. When selecting a record from the listGrid, the dynamicForm will be filled with the selected record automatically.

    But when call form.saveData, the selected record in listGrid will dont refresh the changed cell. In face , the record has been changed successfully. Because if I use Alt+Tab shortkey to switch to other app and return to browse window, I can see the changed value. Also the tomcat log file show that the eidt action has been peformed successfully. In fact form.saveData also invokes a http call to my remote server, I can see the database record has been changed successfully.

    Is it strange?I saw the example of showcase which works fine.

    What is the actual problem? Thanks in advance!
    Last edited by recoco; 11 Jun 2010, 05:42.

    See the FAQ.


      Thanks to davidj6.
      I think I had found it.
      In my case, looks like that it is caused by the uncorrect DSResponse.


        Yep. That's the most common issue.

