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    TreeGrid (load on demand) expand a node on tree load


    I have a tree having huge data. I have implemented load on demand. I want to expand a path when the tree first loads. For example I have to load a 4 levels deeps node root/fun/games/board games/chess, I know that I can use setSelectedPath but you know when I am doing load on demand this node is not present, how can I force it to expand fun and then expand games, then board games and then finally chess.

    I guess I will have to do some recursive expasion, but I am not sure how I can do this.

    Umme Essa

    Any luck with this? I'm also trying to programmatically expand a node (on selection), were you successful?


      It sounds like you need load on demand behavior but that you have an initial subset of data that your application is already aware of that you want initially displayed (and expanded).
      If that's accurate, this can be achieved using the treeGrid.setInitialData() API.

