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    Setting up XML DS for DataSource.performCustomOperation()

    1) How do I set up an an XML datasource to support this method. If there's an example/sample; that'll much appreciated.

    2) We are currently using SmartGWT Pro 2.1 - we do not have access to this method, yet. Is there a sample/example on how we can accomplish the same feature of our existing XML based datasource. BTW - we are using serverType="generic" and lookup style of "New".


    What are you trying to accomplish? performCustomOperation() is usually something you'd use for SQL, but you're using DMI.


      Thanks for a prompt reply. I'm using DMI to call a (@Service method) e.g. to send an email or JMS message etc. The most convenient way I could think of is to simply add a custom method to an already existing DS and DMI class (on top of CRUD methods).

      Is there another way to accomplish this?



        It's reasonable to represent that as an operation of type="custom", however, while performCustomOperation is still being added, you can also just use an operationBinding with operationType="fetch" and invoke it via DataSource.fetchData().


          Thanks! It sounds like you're suggesting the ff. pattern in the short term:

          1. Create a regular DMI DS (e.g. assetDS in assetDS.ds.xml) for CRUD operations; and then

          2. Create a 'Service' DMI DS (e.g. assetServiceDS in assetServiceDS.ds.xml) for service methods, and override 'fetch' operationId that maps to a service method - as you suggested in your previous note. Then call this method from assetServiceDS.fetchData().

          The reason I'm going this way is that I cannot have more than one 'fetch' operationBinding's in the same DS. Or can I?


            You can have multiple operstionBindings for the same operationType so long as they have different operationIds. So you don't need a separate DS unless you choose to do so for organizational purposes.


              So if I have a method in my datasource called say doFoo(), I would then add it to my ds.xml with a type="custom" and a name="doFoo"?

              Let's say I want doFoo to return void, do I still need to pass around dsResponses etc.?

              The call from the client is a bit confusing in this instance as well. For example would I call DataSource.performCustomOperation("doFoo")?

              There is only one signature on the performCustomOperation and it requires a String, Record, DSCallBack, DSRequest).

              How can I just call the doFoo method with a button click?



                You declare an <operationBinding> and include a <serverObject> like with any DMI. Set operationType="custom" on the <operationBinding>. The first parameter to performCustomOperation is the operationId you put on the <operationBinding>. You can pass null for the Record parameter if you don't want to send any data to the server. You are not required to return a dsResponse.


                  Thanks for the quick response. To clarify a little further:

                  The performCustomOperation api is as follows:

                  public void performCustomOperation(String operationId,
                  Record data,
                  DSCallback callback,
                  DSRequest requestProperties)

                  I know what to pass for the operationId and the record (null) but what about the other two parameters (DSCallBack and DSRequest)?

                  The use case I'm targeting does not require a callback or dsrequest. I just want to start a process on the server. The only thing the client should care about in this case is a successful rpc call.



                    If you don't need to use either of those parameters, you can pass nulls for those as well. However you mentioned being notified of success - that's what the callback is for.


                      Great, thanks. I've implemented it on the client, but I get the following error when I try to invoke the method....

                      "Uncaught exception escaped :
                      One or more exceptions caught, see full set in UmbrellaException#getCauses
                      See the Development console log for details.
                      Register a GWT.setUncaughtExceptionHandler(..) for custom uncaught exception handling"

                      I'm not using Eclipse, so the development console isn't handy (is there a way to see this in the SmartGWT developer console?).

                      My DS.xml file is as follows:

                      <DataSource ID="logType" serverConstructor="com.isomorphic.jpa.JPA2DataSource" beanClassName="com.sncorp.gs2.jee.entities.protolog.LogType">
                      <field name="name" type="text" title="name"/>
                      <field name="logtypeId" title="Log Type Id"/>
                      <serverObject className="com.sncorp.gs2.ui.server.LogTypeDMI"/>
                      <!--<operationBinding operationType="fetch" serverMethod="fetch"/>-->
                      <operationBinding operationType="add" serverMethod="add"/>
                      <operationBinding operationType="update" serverMethod="update"/>
                      <operationBinding operationType="remove" serverMethod="remove"/>
                      <operationBinding operationType="custom" operationId="startLogThread" serverMethod="startLogThread">
                      <serverObject className="com.sncorp.gs2.ui.server.LogTypeDMI"/>

                      DataSource instantiation in client code:
                      //set the datasource object(s) for this component
                      dsLogTypes = DataSource.get("logType");

                      Custom method invocation:
                      IButton ibtn = new IButton();
                      ibtn.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler()
                      public void onClick(ClickEvent clickEvent)

                      DMI call server side:

                      public DSResponse startLogThread()
                      //create an empty DSResponse to send back to the client
                      DSResponse dsResponse = new DSResponse();
                      System.out.println("\n\n\n\n\nRPC MADE IT\n\n\n\n\n");

                      //spawn the new thread and have it pump messages to a queue or subscription
                      new Thread(new Runnable()
                      public void run()
                      System.out.println("\n\n I DID SOMETHING \n\n");
                      catch(InterruptedException ie)
                      System.out.println("thread interrupted");
                      catch(Exception ex)
                      return dsResponse;


                        Trapping the error produces the following message btw:

                        "Invoking an instance method on a null reference"

                        I'm not sure how the data source is null. The fetch method works fine to populate a ComboBoxItem


                          Sorry, we indicated you could pass null for the Record param, in reality you need to pass an empty Record (just new Record() will do).


                            It appears that the only parameter that can be null is the callback. I got the same issue until I passed an instance of a DSRequest as well. Can you confirm?

                            dsLogTypes.performCustomOperation("startLogThread", new Record(), null, new DSRequest());



                              We'll allow both parameters to be null in the future. Thanks for pointing this out.

