After seeing the showcase and search the forum, I don't understand what is happening.
The "subcategory" functions as the showcase(not problem, filtered ok), but the "category" no filtering (see the source code)
I've's try with "setOptionCriteria" and "setPickListCriteria" but nothing.
I have reviewed the thread
I'm using GWT 2.03 and SmartGwt 2.2
After seeing the showcase and search the forum, I don't understand what is happening.
The "subcategory" functions as the showcase(not problem, filtered ok), but the "category" no filtering (see the source code)
I've's try with "setOptionCriteria" and "setPickListCriteria" but nothing.
I have reviewed the thread
I'm using GWT 2.03 and SmartGwt 2.2
final DynamicForm frm = new DynamicForm(); frm.setWidth(470); frm.setNumCols(4); ListGridField fid = new ListGridField("id"); ListGridField fcategoria = new ListGridField("categoria"); ListGridField fdescripcion = new ListGridField("descripcion"); ListGridField fidcategoria = new ListGridField("idcategoria"); final SelectItem category = new SelectItem(); category.setName("cat"); category.setTitle("Categoria"); category.setOptionDataSource(DSCategoriasTree.getInstance()); category.setPickListWidth(450); category.setValueField("id"); category.setDisplayField("categoria"); category.setPickListFields(fid, fcategoria, fdescripcion, fidcategoria); Criteria criteria = new Criteria(); criteria.addCriteria("id", 1); category.setOptionCriteria(criteria); //cat.setPickListCriteria(criteria); SelectItem subCategory = new SelectItem() { @Override protected Criteria getPickListFilterCriteria() { Integer id = (Integer) category.getValue(); Criteria criteria = new Criteria(); criteria.addCriteria("idcategoria", id); return criteria; } }; subCategory.setOptionDataSource(DSCategoriasTree.getInstance()); subCategory.setTitle("Sub Categoria"); subCategory.setName("subCat"); subCategory.setPickListWidth(450); subCategory.setValueField("id"); subCategory.setDisplayField("categoria"); subCategory.setPickListFields(fid, fcategoria, fdescripcion, fidcategoria); frm.setFields(category, subCategory); return frm;