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    Problem with ListGrid and DataSource

    Hallo, i'm a new developer in SmartGWT. This framework is nice and my customer will develop one application intranet with SmartGWT.
    This architecture is two layer composed: backend in PHP and frontend in JAVA (GWT).

    I've resolved the SOP problem, because the PHP turn in door 88, and the JAVA turn in door 8888.

    My problem is another.

    I will make an databound ListGrid with dynamic DataSource, but there is many errors, when draw() the ListGrid.
    I've seen the example in Showcase #grid_databinding_json_datasource, but the data are in a path (/ds/test_data/countryData.json).
    Now this is the problem. I will load the data not so, but dynamically, using un callback with javascript, and use a datasource, but not is possible.
    Help me thank you.

    I'm sorry for my stupid english.

    See this post:


      Originally posted by enguerran
      See this post:
      Thank you, but this solution don't resolve my problem. I don't call a Request from server , i make cross site with JavaScript using JSNI.
      I think that DataSource is not possible with JavaScriptObject because this is not properly a database as SQL, MySQl, Oracle...


        I this video, you can see the use of TreeGrid using RestDataSource.
        The backend is PHP.

