Hello All,
i'am trying to migrate a code from GWT to SmartGWt.
in GWT i had an HorizontalPanel,checkboxItem,and a Tree/TreeItem.
now in SmartGWT,i tried to do in the same way as the CheckBoxTree in the showcase ( http://code.google.com/p/smartgwt/so...svn1237&r=1237 ) but also applying the same logic of my ex code,in GWT.
so i 'am using : a Tree,a treeGrid, and a HLyout, a DynamicalForm for the checkBoxItem.
first : should i use a TreeGridField ? 'cause in the exmaple of the showcase,they used a Treenode [] ,but before i used to have TreeItem,so i was wondering if TreeGridField would do the same job.
any way,i'am having a problem ,'cause i don't have any checkbox,or tree..
here is my code bellow :
i'am trying to migrate a code from GWT to SmartGWt.
in GWT i had an HorizontalPanel,checkboxItem,and a Tree/TreeItem.
now in SmartGWT,i tried to do in the same way as the CheckBoxTree in the showcase ( http://code.google.com/p/smartgwt/so...svn1237&r=1237 ) but also applying the same logic of my ex code,in GWT.
so i 'am using : a Tree,a treeGrid, and a HLyout, a DynamicalForm for the checkBoxItem.
first : should i use a TreeGridField ? 'cause in the exmaple of the showcase,they used a Treenode [] ,but before i used to have TreeItem,so i was wondering if TreeGridField would do the same job.
any way,i'am having a problem ,'cause i don't have any checkbox,or tree..
here is my code bellow :
tree = new Tree(); final CheckboxItem checkBox1 = new CheckboxItem(); checkBox1.setRedrawOnChange(true); checkBox1.setValue(true); DynamicForm df = new DynamicForm(); df.setFields(checkBox1); HLayout hLayout = new HLayout(); hLayout.setMargin(1); hLayout.addChild(df); TreeGridField field1 = new TreeGridField("employé") ; TreeGridField field2 = new TreeGridField("employé") ; TreeGridField field3 = new TreeGridField("employé") ; gridBasedOnTree.setData(tree); gridBasedOnTree.setWidth(500); gridBasedOnTree.setHeight(400); gridBasedOnTree.setSelectionAppearance(SelectionAppearance.CHECKBOX); gridBasedOnTree.setAnimateFolders(true); gridBasedOnTree.setShowPartialSelection(true); gridBasedOnTree.setCascadeSelection(true); gridBasedOnTree.addDrawHandler(new DrawHandler() { public void onDraw(DrawEvent event) { gridBasedOnTree.getTree().openAll(); } }); gridBasedOnTree.setFields(field1,field2,field3) ; hLayout.addChild(gridBasedOnTree); //in my class i extend from Composite class of GWT. initWidget(gridBasedOnTree);