I need to group fields in a Dynamic form.
There is a form item :
SectionItem has a function setItemIds(String... itemIds), which presumably places items of a form whose ids are (itemIds ... ) under a SectionItem.
My confusion is - what is an itemId?
Is it the name of the field?
Or is it the DOM tag id?
I hope it is not the DOM tag id because I find it unpleasant to deal with the DOM directly (a prime reason why I am using GWT and SmartGWT).
There is a form item :
SectionItem has a function setItemIds(String... itemIds), which presumably places items of a form whose ids are (itemIds ... ) under a SectionItem.
My confusion is - what is an itemId?
Is it the name of the field?
Or is it the DOM tag id?
I hope it is not the DOM tag id because I find it unpleasant to deal with the DOM directly (a prime reason why I am using GWT and SmartGWT).