The default value for the header of a SectionItem is .. well .. "Section Header'.
I would like to set its text to something else more descriptive the fields of a section in a form.
I have tried setName, setTitle but they don't work.
However, there is a really suggestive function called setSectionHeaderClass(String sectionHeaderClass).
What is a sectionHeaderClass?
How do I use this? Should I do
setSectionHeaderClass("com.smartgwt.client.widgets.Label"); ??
I would like to set its text to something else more descriptive the fields of a section in a form.
I have tried setName, setTitle but they don't work.
However, there is a really suggestive function called setSectionHeaderClass(String sectionHeaderClass).
What is a sectionHeaderClass?
How do I use this? Should I do
setSectionHeaderClass("com.smartgwt.client.widgets.Label"); ??