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    TextItem spell check turn off

    i am using TextItem for a registration form. in which text entry field checking for spelling mistakes. which i want to disable. can any one help me out.

    Thanks in advance

    That is from your browser, you would have to turn it off in your browser. Like in Firefox go to Tools->Options->Advanced->General Tab->"Check Spelling as I type". It is different in Chrome, different in others.


      Thanks man. Thats good. but i want to disable spell check from code side. its not possible to change every client mechine browser settings. any ideas how disable this spell check

      spell check disable in Google Chrome :...Chrome Options>Minor Tweaks" tab>"Change font and language settings" button> go to "Languages" tab and you'll see a checkbox "Check spelling". Disable


        If your web application could directly access someone's browser wouldn't you think that to be a security risk? It isn't possible, for the obvious reasons.


          TextArea has an attribute spellcheck that works in Firefox, and some other browsers. It is in HTML5. I see in firebug that is present and turned on - <textarea ... spellcheck="true"

          It doesn't appear there is anyway to turn this off via the TextAreaItem. Can a method be added to it to turn it on and off?

          In the meantime is there a way around it to turn it off?


            In JSNI you can, you need to set the "browserSpellCheck" attribute for the FormItem. Note it will only apply the attribute for known supported browsers like moz and safari.


              Thanks, I'll give it a try.


                This is a feature that's been present for a long time in SmartClient but not exposed as it's not supported on every browser.

                We're now making this public on both SmartClient and SmartGWT so you shouldn't need to use JSNI from this point going forward - the API will be present directly on both FormItem and DynamicForm.

                Of course the caveat exists that this only applies to TextItems and TextAreaItems and is only supported for browsers that natively support the feature.

                Isomorphic Software


                  Thanks! That is a very useful addition the API.


                    I was able to use the setBrowserSpellCheck() method on a DynamicForm in the 2.4 release. Thanks, that is very helpful!


                      Smartgwt2.4 or 2.5 and Firefox
                      I can't access to setBrowserSpellCheck neither on DynamicForm or TextItem.
                      This with SmartGwt 2.4 or the new 2.5

                      Is there somebody who is able to use it?


