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    Hierarchical tabular layout in DynamicForm

    If you set the DataSource of a DynamicForm to one that was from a xml schemaset, if the fields in the xml had a hierarchical relationship,
    such that if a field has subfields,
    the DynamicForm would tabulate those subfields as subItems of the item associated with the field.

    Name: ______

    Address: Street: ______
    City: ______
    State: ______
    Zip: ______

    Gender: _______

    In the illustration above, Address is a field with subfields (street. city, state, zip).

    How do I achieve this subfield/subitem effect when I am not using a datasource to populate a DynamicForm with items?

    So much easier to let SmartGWT set it up for you, but see Canvas.setDataPath() for background. But you'll need to set the 'dataPath' attribute for your form and fields in order to accomplish this.

