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    What exactly does % mean for sizing?

    I am having very aggravating problems getting sizing to be correct with nested layouts in SmartGWT (using Instantiation's tools).

    Logically, a percentage size in a container should be a percentage based on its size *within its containing parent*. However, the layout widgets do not at all appear to be sized with that logic.

    So what *does*, exactly, does a % size mean for the SmartGWT layout widgets?

    Proportion of remaining space after fixed pixel sized and auto-sizing components have taken their space. This is a much more useful behavior than strict percentages, since it accommodates a fixed size header plus 40/60 split and other common use cases without nested containers. But you can always introduce an extra level of nesting for the less common case of strict percentages being useful.


      Thank you for the quick and informative reply. I assume then that behavior which violates what you describe is rightfully the subject of a bug report?


        Yes, but please don't file a report at eg the Google Code project until it has been confirmed in this forum by Isomorphic that you have found a bug.

