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    Licence Expired Message


    A couple of days ago I started getting a licence expired message when running my SmartGWT application. I'm using SmartGWT Pro 2.2 which I get from because if I understand correctly SmartGWT 2.2 (Pro - not LPGL) hasn't yet officially been released.

    I then copy the contents of the lib subdirectory from the zip file into my smartclientSDK\web-inf\lib directory.

    Is this the right approach? How do I solve the licence expired message?

    Any help would be most appreciated.

    Isomorphic, any suggestions on this please? Is this a SmartGWT issue or in relation to the underlying SmartClient jar's?


      Nightly evals last 2 weeks. While you are using nighties you should be periodically upgrading - in fact there are already some new features to take advantage of (eg listGridField.autoFitWidth).


        Hi Isomorphic, thanks for the info. Unfortunately, since trying to upgrade to the latest nightly (July 15), my problem has gone from bad to worse.

        Not only do I have the modal dialog displayed which warns me that the version has expired, I also have a mismatch of client/server versions being reported when RPC requests are received on the server.

        I have tried all the things such as rebuilding/redeploying my application to Apache Tomcat 5.5.23 and clearing the cache on my browser.

        So, I suspect I have some kind of server installation/client configuration problem, and I'm not sure where to begin. Also, despite my best efforts to use the EnterpriseBlue theme, I can see that images are still being downloaded from the Enterprise theme, which points again to some configurational issue. [I know that I am using the correct inherits entries in my .gwt.xml file as follows

          <inherits name="com.smartgwt.SmartGwtNoScript"/>
          <inherits name=""/>
          <inherits name="com.smartclient.theme.enterpriseblue.EnterpriseBlue"/>
          <inherits name="com.smartclient.theme.enterpriseblue.EnterpriseBlueResources"/>
        because I can see in the trace output

              Loading inherited module 'com.smartclient.theme.enterpriseblue.EnterpriseBlue'
                 Module location: jar:file:/N:/download/smartgwt.jar!/com/smartclient/theme/enterpriseblue/EnterpriseBlue.gwt.xml
              Loading inherited module 'com.smartclient.theme.enterpriseblue.EnterpriseBlueResources'
                 Module location: jar:file:/N:/download/smartgwt.jar!/com/smartclient/theme/enterpriseblue/EnterpriseBlueResources.gwt.xml
        so I can't understand why I see log entries on my server side such as

        2010-07-16 07:12:46,056 [or11] INFO  Download - Returning 304: Not modified on conditional get of: M:\sdk\sc\smartclientSDK\isomorphic\skins\Enterprise\images\Scrollbar\vscroll_track.png
        Apologies for all of this stuff, so now I will just ask some specific questions so that I can get on the right track.

        i) I would prefer not to use nightlies and work with a specific released version of SmartGwt Pro. Assuming that only contains nightlies, then if I click on the link entitled 'Download SmartClient 7.0RC2 Pro (.zip format)' from does this contain the SmartGwt jars, not just the SmartClient jar's?

        ii) If 'SmartClient 7.0RC2 Pro' does not contain the SmartGwt jars, where do I find them, and specifically, a version of them which will co-operate happily with 7.0RC2 Pro?

        iii) I am using Eclipse 3.5 (Galileo) with Google Web Toolkit 2.0.3. In the generated war directory for my client side project, it has a directory structure which looks like the attachment structure.png. One of the issues that I had with resources and general RPC communication when I first migrated from the JavaScript version to SmartGwt was that the resources were being picked up from the sc/skins directory and as a result RPC requests that should have been routed to my custom IDACall servlet were being routed to sc/IDACall. [This was detailed in]. So I made a change to my Simple.html file in which I put the following lines

            	var isomorphicDir = "../isomorphic/"
        and at least the RPC communication worked fine. Could this change have had a negative impact on picking up the right skin?

        Any suggestions on the above questions would be most appreciated.

        Attached Files


          I'm just back from holiday a couple of days ago, and am still fighting the mismatch client/server version issue.

          I can see that for the server, the version number is defined in the file under the tag iscVersionNumber; does anybody know in which file the corresponding info for the client is located so that I can see which are the offending files in my configuration?


            It's in the Developer Console, lower left-hand corner.

            About skin switching, see the FAQ on visual glitches.


              Hi Isomorphic, thanks for the info. Yes, I was aware of where to find the client version info, but what I'm still completely in the dark about is which files in the configuration result in said version number being reported.

              For example, I have tried installing a newer daily build of smartgwt.jar (such as to my WEB-INF/lib directory but still the version number being reported remains the same.

              So precisely which files need to be updated to avoid this warning message?


                Full upgrade steps are here. Don't attempt any kind of partial upgrade or mix resources from two packages, they are thousands of ways that might not work.


                  OK, making progress. Server and client versions are now absolutely in synchronisation (SC_SNAPSHOT-2010-08-02/EVAL Deployment 2010-08-02) so no warning messages. However, although my RPC calls do make it across to the server(and are processed by my custom IDACall servlet), it seems that the payload is lost en-route, so on the server side I get a warning of

                  WARN  RPCManager - Detected zero-length IDA transaction, asking client to retry.
                  The rpc call is made in the following way [please forgive me, I have just seen from the documentation that one should not construct RPCRequest instances directly but rather use RPCManager.send( String data, RPCCallback callback, Map requestParams ) ]:

                  final RPCRequest request = new RPCRequest();
                  final Map<String, Object> options = new HashMap<String, Object>();
                  options.put( "transactionType", "getSystemSettings" );
                  request.setData( options );
                  RPCManager.sendRequest( request, callback );
                  Does this indicate to you a mistake I have made in the process of upgrading to 2010-08-02 or some other issue?


                    Check Firebug to verify that data was sent. If it was, there's something wrong with your servlet.


             I see that the content-length is zero. This should be strictly non-zero, right?
                      Attached Files


                        Hi Isomorphic, just wanted to say thanks for your patience and help; I got everything up and running earlier today - I have no idea why I had such trouble as even the first time I started with SmartGWT/hosted mode/etc, I didn't have such a struggle. That's life hey :-)

                        I'm using temporarily SC_SNAPSHOT-2010-08-03 (EE version) and just wondered if you have an idea when you'll release a SmartGWT 2.3 Pro non-expiring version.

                        Also, I have to say, the changes to the EnterpriseBlue skin are stunning! Thank you!


                          It's already out - you should have received an email with a download link. If you didn't, please write to

