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    Problem when testing with HtmlUnitDriver and FirefoxDriver

    Hi all,

    I'm trying now trying to add automated test to my Smartgwt application. I want to support both drivers HtmlUnitDriver (for nightly tests) and FirefoxDriver (for acceptance tests).

    Problem with FirefoxDriver:
    Here I get access to page elements using the following static method:

    public class TestUtilities {
    	public static By locate(final String locator) {
    		if (locator == null) {
    			throw new IllegalArgumentException(
    					"No elements with null id could be found");
    		return new By() {
    			public List<WebElement> findElements(SearchContext context) {
    				return Collections.<WebElement> emptyList();
    			public WebElement findElement(SearchContext context) {
    				JavascriptExecutor executor = (JavascriptExecutor) context;
    				return (WebElement) executor.executeScript(
    						"return AutoTest.getElement(arguments[0]);", locator);
    I use the Selenium IDE on firefox (with smartgwt user-extensions.js/user-extensions-ide.js well added) to retrieve the path to specifics WebElement on a page.
    However the following path
    always points (when tests are executed ) to the first entry of a "com.smartgwt.client.widgets.grid.ColumnTree" although I got the path when clicking the second entry in the Selenium IDE.

    Problem with HtmlUnitDriver:

    Like you saw above the static method for getting reference on WebElements uses a javascript object provided by SmartGwt (namely the "AutoTest"). When trying to use this method with the HtmlUnitDriver I get the error saying that the AutoTest object cannot be found. That is why I would like to know how to append the AutoTest to the HtmlUnitDriver. I already tried to execute the file using the following without success:

    Thanks for any help...


    i forgot to mention that I found a workaround for the problem with FirefoxDriver. I just increments the row index in a ColumnTree that Selenium IDE gives to me.

    The problem with HtmlUnitDriver still remains.

    Thanks for any help

