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    Data push


    I am trying to get some data pushed from the server side to the client. Searching in this forum I found

    Now I am wondering if the Messaging class got included in the SmartGWT libraries or if I have to copy the class from the example to my new project. And is the example also representative for a server-client communication? For me it seems to be just client to client communication.

    Copying the class did not help for me in a first try. I am getting an error saying
    "No source code is available for type com.mytest.shared.Messaging; did you forget to inherit a required module?"

    But the most basic question is: Do I have to copy the class or got it built in during the 4 years since the above message was posted.

    That post is from April 2010 and still current (you were probably looking at the Join Date of the Isomorphic account).

    Don't just copy the class - see the README.txt in the sample.


      Originally posted by Isomorphic
      That post is from April 2010 and still current (you were probably looking at the Join Date of the Isomorphic account).
      You are right, sorry for the confusion.

      In the mentioned readme file I saw this line
      "The usage pattern is that the client calls an API on the server which in turn pushes data to the client (or multiple clients) in realtime."

      So my scenario is somehow different. I want no client to send a message but have like a file reading or database observing thread that populates the client-side then via push of data.
      Should I use the Messaging class or is there a better example out there?

      (In the Messaging quick reference there is mentioned a package named "com.isomorphic.messaging" on page 6. I am not able to find it in my evaluation package.)


        Yes, Messaging is for both use cases. In your code you would use the ability to subscribe to a JMS channel and then use whatever server-side mechanism to public messages into that JMS channel.

        In the SDK, the .jar files under war/WEB-INF/lib contain the necessary server-side classes. These should be *added* to a Power or better SmartGWT SDK.

