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    SmartGWT 2.2 works with SmartClient 8.0.2

    Is it correct that SmartGWT 2.2 works with SmartClient 8.0.2? Is an example like the Nested Grids possible with SmartClient 7.0.rc2? Or do I need 8.0.2? And if so, can I download it somewhere?

    My main "problem" right now is whether to keep using native Javascript solutions or to switch to SmartGWT. For me, keeping it native is the most easy-to-use option, especially since my backend uses RubyOnRails (not Java). But I've seen more examples in SmartGWT than in SmartClient and I guess more posts in this forum concern SmartGWT.

    Nightly SmartClient 8.0 builds that are equivalent to the underlying runtime shown in the Showcase examples are available from These packages contain an updated Feature Explorer with SmartClient versions of the recent samples you see for SmartGWT.

    If you find JavaScript easy to use, we would not recommend switching.

