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    Add Canvas Item in RadioButton Group


    I have a radioButton group, in which one radiobutton has a selectItem where user has to select the values. Can someone please explain how to bind a selectItem in RadioButton. I am using hashmap to set the radiobuttons.

    Please see the attachment for my requirement. The TextBox in the Design should be SelectItem. Thanks
    Attached Files


      This is very NON-trivial to implement. You could of course embed straight HTML in the valuemap for the RadioGroupItem as the easiest method, otherwise to use SmartGWT components it would take some real work.


        +1 vote to add this feature.

        This is very needed.
        The vast majority of cases in which I need radio items are exactly in situations like this.


          No feature needed, you can just place the related controls in adjacent columns and show/hide them when radio buttons are selected.


            That's what I do, but the whole thing turns out to be extremely complex in form layouts that use several columns for their items.

            And for the given example ( I don't think there's any way to manipulate the col span of the second radio (so that it would overlap the 3 columns used in the first radio), right? Because in smartclient/smartgwt each radio fits into one column.

            Maybe one can do this using absolute layouts instead of table layouts, but absolute layouts can also be tricky. Anyway, I haven't tried it, maybe it works...

            The ideal solution would be to support this in regular table layouts, but hey, we don't live in an ideal world. If you can do do it, great. If you can't, we live ;-)

