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    Opera error

    Suppose there is a code.
    FormItem checkItem = new CheckboxItem();
    boolean val = (checkItem  instanceof CheckboxItem) // result is FALSE
    String name = checkItem.getClass().getName() // got Error - TypeError: Cannot convert 'h' to object
    String method = (new Throwable()).getStackTrace()[1].getMethodName() // got Error - TypeError: Cannot convert 'nf(new qf)[1]' to object
    This code works in IE, Chrome and Firefox, but does not work in Opera(version is 10.60). What should be done to overcome these constraints?

    If this is indeed the case then it’s a GWT issue so you might want to file an issue on the GWT issue tracker. Have you tried a similar test on Opera using GWT classes only?


      I found the reason for this strange behavior of Opera, but found no solutions. During the program from the server, I get a large XML file, in which some nodes contain more than 50 parameters. Parsing code attached.
      String data = "<xml>.....</xml>";// big XML file
      Element rootElement = XMLParser.parse(data);
      IE, Firefox and Chrome parsing XML without problems, and Opera refuses to parse the nodes, where over 22 parameters. Obviously such operations Opera devotes a small amount of memory. As a result, many variables are not initialized and the logic of the program breaks.

